Little Handz Piano School Covid-19 and General Information February 2022 to continue safeguarding students and myself.

Here is the most up to date Covid/General Information for Little Handz Piano School which will remain in place for the foreseeable future.

*When entering my home for a face to face piano lesson, ALL students must sanitise their hands prior to the commencement of their lesson.

*Antibacterial hand sanitiser will be provided. The bin will be emptied at the end of each day.

*I will also sanitise my hands at the start of every face to face lesson.

*At the start and end of each piano lesson the piano keyboard, surrounding areas and the piano stool will be cleaned with an antibacterial spray.

*Face masks, and or a face visor must be worn by all students and myself throughout a face to face piano lesson.

*The window in the piano room will be open for ventilation.

*Please can only piano students enter my home for a face to face piano lesson.

*If you are well enough I can offer you internet piano lessons if necessary and then full fees will still be payable.

*If I remain open and you need to stay at home then full fees will still be payable.

*If you choose not to attend face to face piano lessons as a precautionary measure and I remain open, then full fees are still payable and I will offer you an internet lesson.

*If the student’s school/place of work closes as a precaution due to Covid, I will follow official guidelines on this matter. If none are given, then face to face piano lessons will continue and fees will be charged as normal. I can offer internet piano lessons if necessary and then full fees will still be payable.

*If the student’s school/place of work closes due to Covid being identified there and it is necessary for the student to enter an isolation period, then piano lessons will return to being only offered over the internet.

*If my partner, or anyone else who lives in my home has come into direct contact with someone who has Covid and it is necessary for them to self isolate, then face to face piano lessons will cease for the isolation period and only internet piano lessons will be offered and full fees will still be payable.

• If you, or anyone who lives in your house, has come into contact with someone with Covid and it is necessary for them to self-isolate, the student must not attend piano lessons for the duration of the isolation period, but full fees will be payable as I am able to work and I can offer you an internet lesson.

*If you, or anyone who lives in your house, has recently returned from a place where Covid has been identified, the government policy on this location must be followed. If this includes self-isolation, then the student will not be able to attend face to face piano lessons for the duration of the isolation period, but full fees will be charged as I am able to work and I will offer you an internet lesson.

*If a situation occurs where both my immediate family and yours need to self-isolate due to Covid and I am well enough then I will offer you an internet lesson.

*If I am unwell and cannot teach face to face piano lessons or over the internet then fees will not be charged until I am well enough to resume teaching.

***If any scenarios arise that are not covered here, they will be dealt with professionally and considerately to ensure the well-being of those involved and minimal disruption.